Public Institution of National Park Krka published the monograph Tajne podzemlja (Secrets of the Underworld). The speleological and biospeleological aspects of caves of the National Park and the surrounding area are the bases of the book. In addition, the reviews of geographical, geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the area are presented, as well as history of research and review of arheozoological and archaeological findings. The results of several decades of speleological research of caving associations were presented, primarily of SO HPK Sv. Mihovil, and biospeleological research of the CBSS. The book format 29x29 cm is printed on 237 pages. Caves and cave fauna are presented with short description and photos, as well as topographic plan of all 80 presented caves.
Marguš, D., Barišić, T., Bedek, J., Dražina, T., Gracin, J., Hamidović, D., Jalžić, B., Komerički, A., Lukić, M., Marguš, M., Menđušić, M., Miculinić, K., Mihelčić, G., Ozimec, R., Pavlek, M. (2012): Tajne podzemlja, Javna ustanova "Nacionalni park Krka" p. 238.