Croatian biospeleological society is a beneficiary of the Institutional support for the development and/or stabilisation of organisations provided by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development.
24.05.2015. CBSS comments on the Appropriate Assessment Study for the ecological network Ombla HPP 10.12.2014. CBSS organized The night of cave animals in Dubrovnik 27.11.2014. INVITATION: The night of cave animals in Dubrovnik City 20.07.2014. Lecture and workshop "Life under the city - the richest cave system in Croatia" 11.03.2014. Croatian Biospeleological Society became member of BatLife Europe 20.12.2013. The Cave Type Localities Atlas of Croatian Fauna, Volume 2 was published 28.11.2013. The announcement for the 13th European Bat Research Symposium 30.10.2013. The monograph Natural and historical heritage of Tomislavgrad is published 20.09.2013. A new species of snail from the Lukina jama – Trojama cave system is decribed in the journal Subterranean biology 17.09.2013. CBSS on Scientific Picnic 2013 20.06.2013. Open days of CBSS in 2013 30.04.2013. A leaflet "Hidden life inside Velebit" is published 29.04.2013. CBSS on ZaDobroBIT/GivenGain platform 25.04.2013. Exibition: Zagreb caving - yesterday, today and tomorrow 20.04.2013. The results of research of the dinaric cave clam Congeria are published 20.03.2013. The book Tajne podzemlja is published 10.03.2013. Annual Meeting of the CBSS 10.01.2013. Described two new species of cave species of beetles 05.01.2013. In 2013, the CBSS implements SOKNO - Quality assurance system for nonprofit organizations, in its work 10.10.2012. "Second International Symposium on Anchialine Ecosystems" 15.09.2012. CBSS in organization of European Bat Night 10.09.2012. 21st International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Košice 2012. 20.08.2012. Cave shrimps Troglocaris s. str. (Dormitzer, 1853), taxonomic revision and description of new taxa after phylogenetic and morphometric studies 14.08.2012. In journal Annales: Series Historia Naturalis Vol. 22 No. 1 paper about Subterranean fauna of twelve Istrian caves is published 02.07.2012. Booklet Cave Jama u Predolcu – meeting of the worlds is published 20.06.2012. An article "Speleological and biospeleological research in Kostrena in period since 2010 to 2011" is published 12.06.2012. CBSS will present its work to wide public through organisation of Open door event on 16 June 2012. 01.05.2012. Published Book of proceedings of Symposium on protection of caves and cave fauna, Ogulin 2010. 30.04.2012. Scientific symposium "Special values of deep karst" was held on 21 - 22 April 2012 in Krasno, Croatia. 29.04.2012. Research of pigment melanin biosynthesis on cave animals of Croatia 28.04.2012. A booklet of the project Research and conservation of Dinaric type localities of cave dwelling fauna is published 20.04.2012. Description of Stephos Boettgerschnacka sp. nov., a new Copepod from an anchialine cave in the Adriatic sea 22.12.2011. In journal Natura Croatiaca Vol 20. No. 2 two papers about cave beetles and terrestrial isopods are published. 21.12.2011. Scientific symposium: Special values of deep karst, April 21-22, Krasno, Croatia. 20.12.2011. Find out more about project Subterranean conservation of the lost cave systems of the Dinaric Arc on the official project web site 19.12.2011. CBSS received an Institutional grant of National Foundation for Civil Society Development 14.07.2011. 22. Symposium internationale entomofaunisticum Europae centralis (SIEEC 22), Varaždin 2011 13.07.2011. 19th International Karstological School "Classical Karst" - Karst Underground Protection, Postojna, Slovenia, 20.-25.6.2011. 30.06.2011. 2nd International Symposium on "Anchialine Ecosystems" 23.05.2011. Jana Bedek and CBSS received the Whitley Award 2011. 18.05.2011. The Red Book of Cave Fauna of Croatia published 20.05.2011. New species of collembola, Tritomurus veles, from Croatian cave 16.05.2011. The Fourth Balkan Photo Contest 11.02.2011. New genus and three new species of cave beetles (Coleoptera) described from Croatian caves. 25.01.2011. The Cave Type Localities Atlas of Croatian Fauna 16.11.2010. Speleological Meeting of Croatia in regarding to 110 anniversary of Speleological Section "Liburnija" 20.09.2010. European Bat Night 2010. 19.09.2010. 20th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Postojna 2010. 16.07.2010. New channels discovered in cave Jama u predolcu, an important habitat of Dinaric cave clam Congeria kusceri. 15.07.2010. 18th International Karstological School "Classical Karst" in Postojna, Slovenia 22.02.2010. Four new species of beetles (Coleoptera) described from the Croatian caves